Syrian Arab Republic

Al Talila Reserve, 30 km south-east of Tadmur (Palmyra) was established in 1991 as part of a project to protect the cultural heritage of the Arabian desert and to re-establish Arabian oryx and Goitered gazelle (Gazella Subgutturosa Marica). The reserve covers 220 km² and is protected by a perimeter trench. In December 1996, 8 oryx (4 females and 4 males) were transferred there from Shaumari Reserve in Jordan. The animals have reproduced successfully and the oryx herd numbers 116, though mortality is relatively high. This is partly due to fighting between males. By 2010, there were 153 oryx in Al Tailia reserve. In 2006, nine oryx were transferred to Al Adhani Reserve in Halep Governorate.


Government collection

Date of survey : 31 Dec 2015

Total number of recorded Arabian Oryx : 30

Number of males : 20

Number of females : 10

Number of unknown : 0

Private collection

Date of survey : 12 May 2015

Total number of recorded Arabian Oryx : 40

Number of males : 0

Number of females : 0

Number of unknown : 40